- Can you find an administrator for our city\village\county?
No, however, the ILCMA will be happy to work with you to develop an advertisement, and help you advertise your position. We may be able to give you a few names of individuals who can help you out on an interim basis, but we can not do a search for you nor do we recommend specific individuals for positions.
- What does it cost to place a job ad in your newsletter?
As of July 1, 2015, the cost for a member community is $50; the cost for a non-member community is $100. This is a flat fee regardless of posted on the website and/or in the newsletter. If you have further questions please contact Dawn at 815-753-0923.
- Who are your members?
ILCMA members include, city\village, county managers and administrators; assistant city\county village managers and administrators, assistants to the manager and administrative department heads. Others such as public administration faculty and public sector consultants are also members of our organization.
- What/who is a Secretariat?
The secretariat is the office at the Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University that provides support services to ILCMA. The secretariat is staffed by an executive director, a program associate, and a program assistant. All three of these people are full-time university employees who spend a portion of their time serving ILCMA.
- What is the purpose of IAMMA?
The purpose of IAMMA is to foster and encourage the personal and professional development of its members in order that they may serve their communities and exemplify high ethical standards in municipal management. Furthermore, IAMMA is committed to encouraging active member involvement, responsiveness and excellence in service to local government.
- Does IAMMA maintain a resource directory of helpful websites on municipal government?
Yes! Read on for a list of government jobs, state and national governments and more.
- Are there conferences and training opportunities through IAMMA?
Yes! See our organization calendar for a full listing of networking opportunities.
- Should students join IAMMA?
Yes! Read on for more information about the benefits of being a member of IAMMA.
- What is the difference between IAMMA and ILCMA?
IAMMA is a state professional organization geared toward the support and development of municipal assistants. ILCMA is the Illinois City/County Management Association – which is the state chapter of the International City/County Management Association. IAMMA is an affiliate of ILCMA.
- How many professionals belong to IAMMA?
There are over two hundred municipal members represent the finest communities the State of Illinois has to offer.
- How do I get involved with IAMMA?
There are a variety of ways. You can join as a member, volunteer for a committee; sign up for our eNews join our listserv and more! Take some time to peruse the site and you will find a variety of ways you can customize your IAMMA experience.
- What is the IAMMA Nominating Committee’s process for reviewing applications and creating the ballot?
All qualified applicants will be interviewed by the Nominating Committee to discuss their background, qualifications, and interests in serving on the 2008-09 IAMMA Board of Directors. Upon completion of the interviews, the Nominating Committee will slate one (1) candidate for President-Elect, whose name will appear on the Ballot. The names of all qualified Board-of-Director applicants will also appear on the ballot. The ballots, along with a brief biographical statement for each applicant, will be mailed to all IAMMA members.
- When does the election take place? When are the results announced?
Eligible voting IAMMA members will receive a ballot in early May that is due back to the ILCMA Secretariat by June 1. Official election results will be announced during the ILCMA Summer Conference in June.
- What are the different IAMMA committees, if someone was interested in becoming more involved? To learn more, read about committees
11. Can IAMMA benefit someone who is new to the area?
Definitely. IAMMA offers professional development seminars, luncheons, social
events and more that allow new members of the professional organization to meet
their colleagues and make friends.
12. How can I get involved with the IAMMA?
IAMMA offers several committees such as membership, programing, and communications. Each committee develops strategies and offers new ideas to the board of directors. Please let us know if you want to be involved!
13. How can I get involved in an IAMMA committee?
Please refer to the Committee form for more information regarding individual committees. Contact information for committee chairpersons is available for your reference. Additionally, IAMMA members have access to our newsletter which contains additional information regarding committee needs and volunteer opportunities
14. Who do I contact for additional information?
For additional information regarding the endless opportunities that IAMMA can offer you, please contact Dawn Peters, ILCMA Executive Director, at 815-753-0923.
15. How can I contact members of IAMMA who work in my area?
Members of IAMMA have access to an online member directory. The telephone number, email address, and mailing address of members are listed by both name and employing community.
16. Where can I learn about internship opportunities?
To learn about internship positions available in local government, visit the ILCMA Job page at Organizations place intern positions on this page.
17. I’m attending a career fair at my alma mater. Does IAMMA offer
materials that I can take to pass out to students?
Yes! The Membership Development Committee offers ‘Promoting the Profession’ information for members to distribute at career fairs, internship fairs and other visits to elementary schools, high schools, and universities. The Committee also has a module of presentation materials on ‘What Professional Manager’s Do’ and can send you this to you on a CD.