The International City / County Management Association (ICMA) Senior Advisor Program (formerly known as the Range Rider Program) was established by the ICMA Executive Board in 1974 to make the counsel, experience, and support of respected, retired managers of the profession available to the local government management profession. Range riders are retired managers with extensive experience who volunteer their time to provide a unique source of outside counsel to their colleagues.
There are 113 Senior Advisors in the United States serving members in 29 states, which represent about 88% of the ICMA members. Senior Advisors are selected jointly by the ICMA Executive Director and the board of directors of the state local government management association where the Senior Advisor lives.
Discussion Topics
ICMA Senior Advisors are available to meet with ICMA and state association members to discuss the profession and concerns of those in the profession. Discussion topics range from relations with mayors and councils, connections with their state association or ICMA, and responses to local controversies to career development counseling and overall management questions. Senior Advisors also help communities interested in adopting or retaining council-manager government and assist mayors and councils who may be seeking a manager / administrator on a full-time or interim basis.
All discussions are confidential. Senior Advisors are friends, colleagues, and counselors to the profession, not consultants. The Senior Advisor Program is designed to help with personal and professional issues, not to provide technical assistance or to solve substantive problems in a local government. Senior Advisors may consult with local governments as individuals, on a part-time basis, as long as the consulting does not impair the effectiveness of the Senior Advisor.
Circuit Riders
The term Senior Advisor is sometimes confused with Circuit Rider. Circuit Riders, or shared administrators, are paid professionals who serve more than one community. They may not have the full responsibilities of a manager / administrator, but they provide technical assistance and often provide overall management services.
Senior Advisors are not compensated. The only expenses that are reimbursed may include such things as telephone, transportation, luncheon fees, lodging, postage, and other reasonable expenses, which are shared by ICMA and the state association. Senior Advisors determine their own schedule since their time is donated for the betterment of the profession and support to their colleagues.
The ILCMA Senior Advisor Program follows the International City / County Management Guidelines and Manual. ILCMA Senior Advisors offer Signs of Trouble and Steps to Take as well as other resources for members who are uncertain in their current position.
ICMA Senior Advisor Program Video
Contact ILCMA Senior Advisors
Senior Advisor |
Contact Details |
Steve Carter |
Address: 609 West Green Street Champaign, IL 61820 Ph: 217-359-1338 |
Address: 201 Acacia Drive Indian Head Park, IL 60525 Ph: 847-652-2787 |
Tim Frenzer |
Address: 6658 North Loleta Avenue Chicago, IL 60646 Ph: 847-951-5795 |
John Phillips |
Address: 2910 – 22-1/2 Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 Ph: 309-428-5495 |
Brad Townsend |
Address: 196 N Central Avenue Wood Dale, IL 60191 Ph: 630-390-8800 |
Robin Weaver |
Address: 1809 Rizzi Lane Bartlett, IL 60103 Ph: 630-835-6417 |
SCot Wrighton |
717 W Prairie, #2C |